SINCERE raises awareness and empowers Europeans to promote the concept of preservation of cultural heritage buildings through cultural and community engagement activities at national and international level.

Building Stories
We aim to give a voice to the cultural heritage buildings themselves, in order to shift the perspective in a playful and constructive way. This process will be materialized in a very concrete way, developing examples of web blogs of buildings “talking” and sharing their stories with the public in a way that is engaging and informative. These independent voices will be brought together at the “building stories” platform, which will amplify these voices and bring them together in dialogue.

Citizen Science
The engagement of citizens in the restoration lifecycle of cultural heritage buildings and corresponding research activities can be beneficial both for the quality of the scientific outputs, but also for the emancipation and empowerment of citizens themselves. SINCERE will follow a bottom-up participatory process, starting at each of the three open pilot sites, and developing customized citizen science workshops that make sense in the specific context, in collaboration with local actors.

Heritage Impact
The EU program ‘100 Climate-neutral Cities by 2030 - by and for the Citizens’ vision, puts forward a holistic approach to assist cities in implementing decarbonization strategies for energy, transport, buildings and even industry and agriculture. SINCERE advances the state of the art in a range of key technologies for restoration of cultural heritage buildings, including materials, energy solutions, and ICT tools. In addition, SINCERE aligns with the understanding that the climate emergency must be tackled within cities and by engaging citizens. In this respect, SINCERE aims to engage citizens and empower them both as a community/society and as individuals