
Bridging technology and society around the challenge of renovating cultural heritage buildings for actual use and sustainable energy consumption.

SINCERE encounters

The SINCERE Encounters are informal gatherings between SINCERE project experts and pilot site actors, stakeholders, and citizens to get to know each other and discuss ways that the SINCERE intervention will be productive and beneficial for everyone.

The following SINCERE encounters have taken place to date:

> Rhodes encounter, March 2024

> Ostrava encounter, September 2024

> Algete encounter, November 2024


In the context of the European Heritage Days, the SINCERE project organizes an online dialogue between the Neoclassical School in Rhodes (Greece) and the Museum+ in Ostrava (Czech Republique).

This playful event is a first step toward the creation of a digital platform, building-stories, that aims to connect cultural heritage buildings across Europe to share their needs, knowledge, and vision.

Giving to such buildings their own "voice", can stimulate participation from local communities, and offer different perspectives in the process of renovating cultural heritage buildings.

Training workshops

The SINCERE training workshops will be half or full day sessions where experts on specialized topics will provide hands-on training to a selected target audience. More technical for professionals and more playful for citizens.